Fiverr presentation by Nick and Co is brilliant. Can’t say I have made any money from it yet but that’s my fault. due to outside influences. The very generous set of information he sent out before Christmas is first class information written in a style that anyone can understand. His book “Live Big, Think Large, Act Sensibly” says it all about Nick. In business it is the only way to conduct one’s self. I know because I had my own company for forty five years and probably made every mistake imaginable but I never let a customer suffer as a result. Along with “The Code Breaker Files” and “Membership Site Secrets” Then just for good measure he put in Stewart Goldsmith’s book who is always worth listening to or reading.
I will also add that when you phone Nick’s Office one is always treated with kindness and consideration the young ladies are all ways helpful.
Thank you Nick
John T Golder