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I find your articles very informative, but I am at a beginning stage and really feel that I need a basic all round knowledge in order to benefit from them. I think you have a course that might cover this, don’t you ?


Money Making Mastery 2012! Well Nick what can I say, Boom!Boom!Boom! WHAT A WEEK END, Great Speakers nice mix of Americans and Brits It was a great week end for me (A newbie ) to see that there is no shortage of Product or Helpful people to see me through my Apprenticeship You and Johhny should be Proud of yourself for putting on an AWESOME WEEKEND! Thanks, Mike

Join now before its too late!!!

I have only recently joined Nick James  membership program and I am very excited about what the new year hold as a result of my decision. The reason I decided to join is because after two years of trying to start an online business and getting no where fast ,having invested and lost a lot of money, for the first time I am confident that I have finally found the …Read More

Wendy Francis, Talks About The Implimentation Email Series In Money Making Mastery

Hi Nick, The implementation journal has been a real big help to me, and it has really made me look at my website membersathome.co.uk To move forward into marketing my DVD’s online and offline. I’ve been looking over all 12 DVD’s on the Money Making Mastery again over the pass ten days and now I have two e-book’s on Amazon kindle, all because of Diane Conklin and you Nick talking …Read More

Michael Mcmahon Talks About His Early Experiences With Money Making Mastery And Nick-James.com

Hi Nick. Many thanks for all your Implementation messages keeping me on track. I found a mass of fascinating information in the Money Making Mastery DVDs, but most of it only really useful if you are already established I feel. The information on your Membership Site is excellent and very helpful. I have written an ebook, set up a Blog, set up a web page and a Clickbank account. I …Read More

Jill Porter Talks About Nick-James.com Membership

Hi Nick Just wanted to let you know how positive and good I feel about the success of my product, I am doing a lot of research and getting together much information, then I will put it onto a master CD and produce a nice glossy booklet to accompany it.   I have received today my Epson P50 printer, which will enable me to print my CD’s aswell as printing …Read More

David Rodgers Talks About Money Making Mastery

Hi Nick, just after subscribing I was away for all of Christmas and new year, since returning I have been back at work and only started to work my way through the MoneyMakingMastery DVD’s on the 11th Jan, I followed your instructions and haven’t looked at any other websites during this period. I have to confess I did make a couple of mistakes whilst doing this, my first was making …Read More

Abid Siddiq Loves The Tip Of The Week Email Newsletter

Hi Nick, Just wanted to say ‘thank you’ for two tips that have freed up my time and allowed me to make more progress every day. They are: 1) Unsubscribe from email lists that are not helping you move forward. 2) Create a ‘to do’ list, prioritise it and then give 100% attention to item no. 1. Once complete, delete it and repeat the process. I was subscribed to tons …Read More